Thursday, November 15, 2012

Every Picture Tells a Story, Don't It?

I am a sucker for a story.  Notice I didn't say 'good' story.

I have sat through countless very bad movies just because of the story.  I like to see what the story teller does, where they fail, where they succeed, where they were original, where they were cliche' (Avatar).  Was there a beginning, middle, and end, or was it beginning, muddle, and end?

I have done the same with books, moreso seeking knowledge on a professional level.  Why is Moby Dick a classic?  Why are Steinbeck and Hemingway celebrated?

I can wander through art museums and dream up stories for paintings that catch my attention.  Most likely they aren't the same stories the artist's had in mind, but that is the beauty of art.  Each rendition tells a different story to different people.

The same goes with photography.  There are stories to be found in pictures.  I absolutely love a photograph that conjures a story in my head.  Many photographs don't trigger that story for me, but they may for other's.

My brother is a photographer (Question Mark Photography).  Some of his pictures speak to me, other's don't.  I found one that did, and I couldn't resist the urge to type up the story it told:

The rising sun cast its light across the water and filtered through the steel beams of the old bridge. She hugged her knees up close to her body and pulled her sleeves over her hands. The fight was so stupid she hadn’t bothered to cry; she just seethed. How could someone so perfect be so damned insensitive?

Footsteps crunched across the dormant grass. She looked up. It was him.

I'm not posting the photo here for a couple of reasons.  The first being that I didn't ask permission to do so, the second because I have an exercise for you.  Click the above link and find the photo that matches the story.  It should be easy enough, but there is something else you need to do while you are there.  Look at the other pictures.  What stories come to mind with each photograph?  Is there a particular picture that inspires you to write?

And, it wouldn't hurt to "Like" his page.

Every picture tells a story.  Not the same story to everybody, nor does it speak to everybody, but it does tell a story.
Shameless plug:  Blood of Two (Drums of Ralllinwar: Book One) is available where e-books are sold.  Check it out at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Smashwords, and several other venues.  Buy it, rate it, review it.

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