Monday, March 31, 2014

Yo Ho Yo Ho A Writers Life for Me

Since before Requiter was released, I have been hard at work on book three; until three or four weeks ago.  I needed to step away and revisit the real world for a few moments.

Since May of 2012 my time away from work has been dominated by the World of Nilrus; writing, editing, marketing, rinse and repeat.  This has been one heck of journey, and I’ve enjoyed it.  I will continue to enjoy it.  Now it’s time for me to dive back into this fantasy world.

Book Three:
At this point, most of you know I will not have a title for this book until near completion.  I am roughly halfway through the brain purge.  I’m struggling here and there with timeline issues.  The book deals with several storylines that need to mesh in the end.  Eldric and company are returning to Dalthanalle, Lith and his band of merry elves are also going to Dalthanalle, albeit for different reasons.  The Knights Kranse have a want to visit that wonderful city, and Aeldon works on his return.  Add General Grunsch and all his friends to the list.  Dalthanalle has become a genuine tourist destination; the Disneyland of Nilrus.

Of course, we can’t forget the rulers of the fair city; King Alik and Queen Elma.  Oh wait!  Does Keeper Leandros actually rule the city?

I have built myself quite a trap here with more than eight story lines to follow.  It is quite a challenge to bring them all together in the end, but it promises to be an engaging story.  I really can’t wait to see how it all ends.

Spuds Au Rotten:
This is the short story I promised long ago.  I have the cover art for it, but I hit a little snag.  An additional scene was suggested, and I agreed.  When I went to add the scene, the electronic document was gone.  Gone!  This is wild, because I am OCD when it comes to backing up my work, yet I can’t find Spuds anywhere.  I say it is a little snag because I have a hard copy of the story.  It is just a matter of typing it all up again.

But, Book Three is priority.  When I hit the next dry spot, I will get Spuds finished and published.

I started this story a few years ago, and it will likely be the first book after Drums of Rallinwar is completed.  Occasionally, I hammer out a scene for the book.  I like the story, and the main character.  This book will be a standalone.  If it works out, Condr will be the first of many stand alone books based on his adventures.

Anyway, that’s about where I’m at right now.  I hope to have Book Three published this year, but I’ve learned my lesson and I’m not promising anything when it comes to release dates.

In other, more important, news; Requiter is available.
I’m still waiting for Barnes and Noble to put it out, but I strongly encourage you to purchase a copy for your Nook from Smashwords.  Mark Coker continues to be an awesome advocate for the Indie world, and has earned every penny he makes from book sales.

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